Welcome to Generation B

Welcome to Generation B

March is the month of Ides, Madness, Mania – and B Corps.

That’s right, the third month of the year is B Corp Month, so I thought I’d take a few minutes to educate and update you all on the B Corp movement.

Now I recognize we’ve got a diverse audience here.  For those who have B Corp logos tattooed on your body, I’ll try give you a Reason to B interested in this post by entertaining through quality of writing, historical perspective, and perhaps an interesting new factoid or two.

Plus, I’ll be relatively brief on B Corp backgrounding. 😉

For those who are blissfully unaware of what B Corps are, welcome, friends– you’ve got mail!

Briefly:  B Corps are companies that have passed a comprehensive assessment and verification of their social and environmental impact, practices and performance.  If a company makes a passing grade on the B Impact Assessment (BIA) – the minimum bar currently is a score of 80 – it can become certified as a B Corp.

Anyone can use the BIA as a tool to gauge their own company’s social and environmental performance.  It’s free to use and more than 200,000 companies worldwide have measured their own performance using this tool.  Most conventional businesses without a specific sustainability or social impact focus score below 40 points on the BIA.

B Corp Month was started in 2017 as a campaign to celebrate what it means to be a B Corp, build awareness of the movement and educate diverse audiences on the importance of transforming our economic system for the better. 

I think the Declaration of Interdependence, which every B Corp is required to sign, doesn't get nearly enough airtime -- it's as fine of a brand anthem as you'll find.

This year’s theme is “Gen B: the generation of people using business who are rooted in action, inspiration, and a belief in doing better.”

Now, on to those factoids.

•            In 2006, after years of feeling dissatisfied with “business as usual,” three friends set out to pursue the [at the time] radical belief that business should serve more than investors – it should serve everyone. Together, Jay Coen Gilbert, Bart Houlahan, and Andrew Kassoy co-founded B Lab, the nonprofit that oversees the B Corp certification process.

•            The B Corp movement officially launched in 2007 with the certification of 82 founding B Corps.  I believe Godspeed readers Lara Pearson of Brand Geek and Eric Henry of TS Designs were among that group of founding B Corps – respect💪!  (And hoping I haven’t left a reader off this trailblazing list.)

•             The “B” in B Corp stands for “better.” B Corps work to imagine, new better ways of doing business that benefit many stakeholder groups rather than just shareholders alone.

•            The first Certified B Corp in the world was Untours, a Vermont tour operator offering apartment-based vacations in Europe and thoughtful travel options around the world. (More respect, plus still a B Corp today, though now headquartered in Pennsylvania!💪)  The most recent Certified B Corp (as of 03.07.25) in the world is Tribes Digital LTD, a digital solutions studio in Manchester, United Kingdom.

•            There are currently 9,543 B Corporations in 102 countries around the world.

•            Speaking of countries, the United Kingdom has gone on a real bender for B Corps.  In 2019, it had 200 B Corps and now it counts more than 2,300 B Corps. While that’s more than 10-fold growth, what I find even more impressive is that they’ve gone from 5% of all B Corps worldwide to more than 24% of the world's B Corps.  Again – respect💪!

•            B Corps are twice as likely to be led by majority-female management teams, and there are more than 1,800 women-owned B Corps.

•            The B Corp community includes big consumer brands you know, such as Eileen Fisher and Patagonia, and thousands of small businesses you don’t, such as Roundpeg, a marketing consultancy in Silver Spring, Maryland, and Mighty Epiphyte, a social impact consultancy in Portland, OR.

So, relatively brief?  Quality of writing?  Interesting factoids?  You be the judge. 🤔

Whatever you think, the question is:  To B or Not to B, or at the very least, how can you make your business better for the world?

It’s time to March Forth, people.

Godspeed, friends.


P.S. A tip of the hat to creative agency and B Corp Zeus Jones on the best creative theme and artwork I've seen yet for B Corp Month.

💬 Think About It

"I often wonder to what extent business can help society in its goals and alleviate poverty, preserve ecosystems, and build strong communities and institutions... B Lab has proven that there is a way." Madeleine Albright, United States Secretary of State

💥 Quick Hits

How do they do it? – So, that B Corp growth in the United Kingdom, I've got questions, starting with: What’s in the water they’re drinking? If you’re as intrigued as I am, this episode of the Beyond the B podcast provides some of the answers.

Wondering how to become a B Corp? – You're in luck – here's the complete guide to becoming a B Corp by our friends at Cultivating Capital.

Books about B Corps – And if you're still looking to learn more about B Corps, try The B Corp Handbook, Second Edition by Ryan Honeyman and Tiffany Jana and Better Business: How the B Corp Movement is Remaking Capitalism by Christopher Marquis.

Find the Most Meaningful Work of Your Career

Our partner One Work has you covered with meaningful work that goes beyond a paycheck, a cubicle, or a weekly team Zoom call. You'll find purposeful jobs like those below, along with many more at the One Work job board.

Nia Tero - Support thriving people and thriving places by elevating the role and influence of Indigenous Peoples as essential to ensuring planetary health and habitability. Chief Communications and Engagement Officer, Seattle, WA or REMOTE.

Southern Poverty Law Center - Apply your talents to upholding civil rights for the good guys and sticking it to the bad guys at this nonprofit legal juggernaut. Design Intern, Atlanta, GA, Washington, DC, or Montgomery, AL.

Sequoia Climate Foundation - Go all in on clean energy by protecting people through policies that help avoid the worst effects of climate change. Evidence and Learning Officer, Irvine, CA.

 Need help in some way? Have a story idea, question, or request? Perhaps a social entrepreneur we should interview? Let us know – We're here to help. Just reply to this email with whatever you've got. We'll see you next week.


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