Pivoting to a New Format

Pivoting to a New Format
Photo by Markus Spiske / Unsplash

Hello and happy October to you – isn't it a fabulous month?

I'm going to experiment with a new format for Godspeed. Nothing Earth shattering, mind you – just moving to a twice-weekly format.

On Tuesdays, you'll receive expanded quick hits on news of social and environmental impact, jobs with meaning, and a little inspiration sprinkled in here and there.

On Thursdays, we'll go a bit deeper and deliver a longer-form article into your inbox.

Why? It allows me to experiment and see if increased frequency is valued by current readers; what sort of engagement there is with news and job postings when they are unbundled from the main story; and it allows for more depth on the Thursday article without making a single issue overly long.

I'm also wondering if increasing frequency will lead to more readers. Thus far I've been surprised at how challenging it is to grow readership, which tracks to my primary goal: How can I scale to help and inspire more people to pursue business for good?

I know you all have limited time, so we'll test this for several weeks. It could be that Godspeed delivered twice weekly is a bright set of twins in your inbox; it could also be too much for an overburdened one. When you get the feel of things, please let me know what you think.

Oh, and this Thursday we'll be starting our Pivot Series with a profile and interview with Erica Buyalos of Blue Planet Optics. She'll be talking about career pivots.

Godspeed, friends.


💬 Quote of the Week

"Far and away the best prize the world has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing." Theodore Roosevelt

💥 Quick Hits

Climate risk comes to residential real estate – You'll not only be able to determine how walkable your new neighborhood is, you'll also be able to determine its climate risk as Zillow incorporates this new attribute in its listings.

Friends, countrymen, Romans, lend me your ears (and your clothes) – Loving this story about a public library in New Hampshire that has started lending out clothes.

Where does love come from? – Does a website get any more sparse, elegant, and engaging? No surprise this site is for the new design agency LoveFrom, helmed by Jonny Ives, he of the Apple iPhone design. Me, I've watched it several times already.

Find the Most Meaningful Work of Your Career

Our partner One Work has you covered with meaningful work that goes beyond a paycheck, a cubicle, or a weekly team Zoom call. You'll find purposeful jobs like those below, along with many more at the One Work job board.

Project Drawdown - Uplift your career by drawing down on carbon emissions at one of the coolest nonprofits around. Project Drawdown advances science-based solutions and strategies; fosters bold climate leadership; and promotes new narratives and voices. Plus, it's got two plum positions that need someone like you. Administrative manager or Grant Writer/Development Communications Specialist, REMOTE.

Guild - Guild has a platform that helps employees attain their goals and grow within their company by obtaining the skills their company needs. Senior Campaign Marketing Manager, REMOTE.

Worldly - We love juicy opportunities for interns, and here's a ticket to gain new sustainability skills and learn strategy while working where a lot of the impact is – on intelligence insights and measurement in the supply chain. Sustainability and Strategy Research Intern, REMOTE.

 Need help in some way? Or have a story idea, question, or request? We're here to help! Just reply to this email with whatever you've got and we'll see you again on Thursday!

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