How Happy Are You?

How Happy Are You?
Photo by Raimond Klavins / Unsplash

The World Happiness Report was released earlier this year, and we used the occasion as a prompt to launch a member survey to gauge the happiness of Godspeed readers.

We asked you to rate your happiness in three areas: your work, your personal life, and the state of the world.

Here are the results, indicating that what we have most control of increases our happiness, and that over which we perceive no control, well - you have a look for yourself. Oh, we'll also include several comments which are very enlightening. Be sure to give them a read.

Godspeed, friends.


How happy are you with your work?

How happy are you with your personal life?

How happy are you with the state of the world?

Happiness Survey Comments ☺️

"It would be awesome if this survey included some questions about where folks are. Personally, during the pandemic I found that my outlook and opinion on the state of the world shifted drastically based on my environment. I would also ask how much media/social media someone consumes. I bet that response will show a relationship to happiness as well."

"The company I work for is great, but the challenge is whether we are making any difference in the world. Does our business really create meaningful change? It often feels like we are doing the same work and making money the same way everyone else does. And I always have the existential question of whether there is something better, some other way to live and work that is completely outside whatever system we are in. Not exactly 'Turn on. Tune in. Drop Out.' But how do you accomplish something like that in the current state of the world and still make a difference, pay the bills, and maximize personal satisfaction."

"It helps me to remember that happiness is not a permanent state. That mindset helps me work toward creating and enjoying more happy moments, and weathering the lower points."

πŸ’¬ Quote of the Week

β€œA table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin. What else does a man need to be happy?” Albert Einstein

πŸ’₯ Quick Hits

β€’ AI is thirsty. Very thirsty – Thirsty for energy, that is. Here's a good overview of AI's energy needs + the case for investment opportunities that create a more energy-efficient ecosystem for AI.

β€’ Search and you shall find impact - Search queries on Google for carbon footprint, charging station, and solar energy reached all-time highs last year.

β€’ He exposed the roots of climate deniers – Investigative journalist Ross Gelbspan, 84, passed away recently. You can read about his life here.

Find the Most Meaningful Work of Your Career

Our partner One Work has you covered with meaningful work that goes beyond a paycheck, a cubicle, or a weekly team Zoom call. You'll find purposeful jobs like those below, along with many more at the One Work job board.

β€’ Project Canary - Go ahead and ruffle your feathers for this one 'cuz you're headed down into the metaphorical coal mine. You'll be selling systems to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by monitoring leaks at oil and gas sites and you'll be doing it for a company that's a public benefit corporation AND a certified B Corp. Director of Sales, Denver, CO.

β€’ Fors Marsh - Join a B Corp that's seriously human - and uses research to tackle serious social issues. Public Relations and Engagement Coordinator, REMOTE.

β€’ Cotopaxi - Join an outdoor clothing and gear company that's a B Corp - and one of our faves in many ways, from their rad products to their seriously rad impact fighting poverty in the developing world. They're expanding their retail network and need someone like YOU! Multi-Unit Retail Store Manager, Portland and Tigard, OR.

Thanks for spending time with us – and making it all the way to newsletter's end. We'll see you next week.

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