Brand Design in Politics

Brand Design in Politics

'Tis the season and, while I don't cover political races, I do write about brand strategy and design. In this case, the two happen to merge as it's a candidate yard sign that manages to elevate an eyesore into messaging that wins.

While the design of most political yard signs runs from anodyne to 🤮, this one for Jimmy Hallyburton engages in a different way.

It's colorful. Its type treatment is fun and highly differentiated - and yet still quite readable. It reinforces the candidate's trademark bicycle and dog trailer and approachability with a friendly wave of the hand. It predisposes you to like him, "likeability" being one of the most valuable traits any political candidate can possess.

Plus, I've always loved the use of original illustrations to create a look that a brand can own.

The sign also has a QR code so you can learn more about him and his candidacy. (Jimmy is running for reelection as a City Commissioner here in Boise, Idaho. Full disclosure: I have known him for a long time and have been a supporter of his nonprofit Boise Bicycle Project and his candidacy for office.)

With everything that's going on in the sign, there's a lot that could have gone wrong. All in all, it's some pretty powerful art combined with clean information design that all go to differentiating his brand

How about you? Seen any cool political yard signs in your neighborhood you'd like to share?

Godspeed, friends.


💬 Quote of the Week

“Genius is in the idea. Impact, however, comes from action.” Simon Sinek

💥 Quick Hits

• Attention Global Warming Warriors - Here's your chance to fight climate change and gain job skills as a member of the new American Climate Corps.

Taking it to the streets (and taking it to the courts) - Turns out youth do more than protest in the streets. We've written about young people in Montana and Hawaii taking their climate case to the courts. Same thing's happening in Europe, where six young Portuguese are seeking climate justice in a lawsuit against 32 countries in the European Court of Human Rights.

🤔 Trivia Time

How much time does the average worker spend on email and in meetings each week?

• 7 hours

• 16 hours

• 19 hours

• 22 hours

Today's trivia answer can be found at the bottom of this newsletter.‌‌‌‌

‌Find the Most Meaningful Work of Your Career

If you're not set on a job with the American Climate Corps (see above), our partner One Work has you covered with meaningful work that goes beyond a paycheck, a cubicle, or a weekly team Zoom call. In this week's "Collaborating for the cause" edition, you'll find purposeful jobs like those below, along with many more at the One Work website.

BONTERRA - Powering those who power social impact - here's your chance to join a company with a number of brands that provide technology and tools to help organizations create more social good. Senior Director, Enablement, Austin, TX.

TIER1 PERFORMANCE - You can make big change at this social impact consulting firm by helping big brands (think NASA, FedEx) improve their social and environmental impact. Change Management Consultant, Boston, MA or Pittsburg, PA.

SEVENTH GENERATION - Starting your career and looking for a foot in the door at a company where you can really clean up? Try an internship at this iconic manufacturer of sustainable cleaning and personal care products. Food Science Summer Internship, United States.

Check out One Work's full jobs board of purposeful jobs with mission-driven companies and organizations.‌‌‌‌‌

Trivia Answer‌

If you hold this newsletter up to your ear, we're betting that just like a sea shell you'll hear something - except it won't be the ocean, it's a giant soul-sucking sound. According to Microsoft's annual study of workplace productivity trends, workers spend TWO FULL FREAKING DAYS each week on email and in meetings. To break it down: 8.8 hours on email and 7.5 hours in meetings.

Have an interesting social impact tool, idea, or trivia question you'd like to share? Reply to this newsletter and let me know - I'd love to hear about it. You can also hit me up at

Also - please don't hesitate to forward this to a friend you think would benefit from it - thank you!

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